Achieve a Brighter Smile: Professional Teeth Cleaning and Whitening in Kerala

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for overall health, and a radiant smile can significantly boost your confidence. Professional teeth cleaning and whitening are two essential procedures that ensure your teeth remain healthy and sparkling. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the entire process of these dental treatments, including the costs involved in Kerala.

 Professional Teeth Cleaning

Step 1: Initial Consultation

The journey to a healthier smile begins with a visit to your dentist for an initial consultation. During this visit, the dentist will:

– Conduct a thorough oral examination.

– Take X-rays if necessary to check for underlying issues.

– Discuss your dental history and any concerns you may have.

Step 2: Plaque and Tartar Removal

The next step involves removing plaque and tartar buildup. This is done using specialized dental tools:

– Scaling: The dentist or dental hygienist uses a scaler to remove plaque and tartar from the tooth surface and gum line.

– Ultrasonic Instruments: Sometimes, ultrasonic instruments are used to break down larger deposits of tartar with vibrations and water spray.

Step 3: Polishing

After scaling, your teeth are polished to remove surface stains and smooth the enamel. This process involves:

– Polishing Paste: A gritty toothpaste-like substance is applied to the teeth and polished with a rotating brush.

– Flossing: The dentist or hygienist will floss your teeth to remove any remaining debris.

Step 4: Fluoride Treatment

The final step in professional cleaning is a fluoride treatment. This helps to:

– Strengthen the enamel.

– Protect against cavities.

A fluoride gel or varnish is applied to the teeth, usually left for a few minutes before rinsing.

Cost of Professional Teeth Cleaning in Kerala

The cost for professional teeth cleaning in Kerala typically ranges from ₹1,000 to ₹2,500, depending on the clinic and the extent of cleaning required.

 Professional Teeth Whitening

Step 1: Assessment and Preparation

Before starting the whitening process, the dentist will:

– Assess the shade of your teeth.

– Take photographs for before-and-after comparisons.

– Protect your gums and lips with a barrier to prevent irritation.

Step 2: Application of Whitening Gel

The primary whitening process involves:

– Hydrogen Peroxide Gel: A high-concentration whitening gel is applied to the teeth.

– Light Activation: In some cases, a special light or laser is used to activate the gel, enhancing its whitening effect.

Step 3: Reapplication

The whitening gel may be reapplied several times during the session, depending on the desired level of whiteness and the dentist’s recommendation. Each application is typically left on the teeth for 15-30 minutes.

Step 4: Post-Treatment Care

After the procedure, the dentist will provide guidance on maintaining your new smile, which may include:

– Avoiding staining foods and drinks for a certain period.

– Using a sensitivity toothpaste if you experience any discomfort.

Cost of Professional Teeth Whitening in Kerala

The cost for professional teeth whitening in Kerala ranges from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000. The price varies based on the method used, the dentist’s expertise, and the specific requirements of the patient.

 Choosing the Right Dental Clinic

When selecting a dental clinic for teeth cleaning and whitening in Kerala, consider the following factors:

– Reputation and Reviews: Check online reviews and ask for recommendations.

– Qualifications and Experience: Ensure the dentist is qualified and has substantial experience in cosmetic dentistry.

– Technology and Equipment: Modern clinics with advanced technology can provide better results.


Professional teeth cleaning and whitening are effective ways to enhance your oral health and achieve a brighter smile. Understanding the process and costs involved helps in making an informed decision. If you’re in Kerala, clinics like Teethos offer top-notch dental care at competitive prices, ensuring you get the best results for your investment.

For more information and to book an appointment, visit and Start your journey towards a dazzling smile today!

Published by teethosdental

A smile is the fastest and most sympathetic way to our fellow human beings. However, a charming smile requires healthy and well groomed teeth, for this we work as a team every day. Excellent quality of treatment is a matter of course for us since 2018, coupled with latest technology we guarantee you a high quality concept. Teethos is conveniently located in Kakkanad on Vattekad building, Edachira. We are on the first floor. The entrance is at the centre of the building. Our mission is to give you as many reasons to smile as we possibly can. Whether you are looking for a healthy mouth or a beautiful smile on your face.

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